The necessity of aging test for TFT LCD displays

In the production process of electronic products, high temperature aging test is an important testing process to improve product reliability and ensure stable performance under extreme conditions. Electronic products, whether components, semi-finished products, or the whole machine, or equipment, need to be tested and aging. Testing and aging is not a concept. Functional testing and then aging. The following is the content organized by ICP DAS, thanks for watching.

TFT LCD显示屏老化测试的必要性
3.5-inch LCD screen

Almost all of the electronic products through the production of manufacturing, into a complete product or component, with the use of value, but after the use of products, some electronic components will appear a variety of problems, and most of these problems occur at the beginning of a few hours to dozens of hours, there are supervised by this, and so the provisions of the aging and testing of electronic products, modeled after the use of the product or the equivalent of the state of the product, through the aging and testing The aging and testing of electronic products is modeled after or equivalent to the state of use of the product, through aging and testing, the problems of the product are exposed in advance, and the problematic products are eliminated on the production line. The factory is no problem products to ensure that the products sold to the hands of the user is reliable. This is the significance of aging test.
Aging test is divided into component aging and machine aging. Especially for newly developed products, which need to check the performance of new components or new machine, the aging test index is higher. Aging makes the defects of the product exposed on the production line, such as the reliability of the welding point, the reliability of the components, and so on. Products in the design, materials and processes may exist in a variety of defects or bad, aging test is an effective means of discovering these problems, aging test so that the product performance into a stable zone after the factory, reducing the rate of repair. This is the necessity of aging test.
TFT LCD aging test in product quality control is a very important part of the TFT LCD products in the aging of its performance can be improved, and help the later use of the performance of the stability of the TFT LCM aging test is based on the product's failure rate curve that is the characteristics of the bathtub curve and the choice of countermeasures, in order to improve the reliability of the product.

TFT LCD displayAging methods include constant current aging and constant voltage aging.
A constant current source is one in which the current is stable and constant at all times. A current that has a questionable frequency is not a constant current. That is AC or pulsating current. AC or pulsating current source can be planned to have a steady RMS value, but this kind of power supply cannot be a "constant current source". Constant current aging is Z fit TFT LCD screen current operation characteristics, is Z scientific TFT LCD display aging method. Over-current impact aging is also a new choice of manufacturers Z aging method, through the use of frequency adjustable, current adjustable constant current source for such aging, in order to distinguish between the quality of the TFT LCD display in a short period of time life expectancy, but also can pick out a lot of customary aging can not be picked out of the danger of LCD display.

So what does the TFT LCD screen include for aging:
1, TFT LCD display playing white screen check time is not less than 8 hours
2, monochrome, gray-scale sudden change test not less than 8 hours
3. Video and text effects check no less than 8 hours
4、White screen, red, green, blue, gray scale frequently refreshed
5, current and voltage according to the aging operating instructions to adjust the appropriate parameters.

The above is a brief description of theTFT LCD displayThe relevant content, today I'm here, there are any questions you can directly consult our official website customer service, customer service can help you answer. If you want to know more about the TFT LCD display information, you can pay attention to our official website! The editor will keep updating, thank you!

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